Jeff Wang

I'm interested in applying machine learning and robotics to human problems. Currently I'm a graduate student in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at UC San Diego.

Previously I worked at ATA Engineering, where I primarily supported NASA JPL on their Mars 2020 program.

Take a look at some of the projects I’ve worked on, and feel free to reach out!




Instagram Hashtag Generator

transfer learning, pytorch, php

Trained a convolutional neural network to predict hashtags that would boost a post’s popularity based on the image in the post. Used a pretrained ResNet-50 network for transfer learning. Data scraping was done in PHP; network was implemented in Pytorch. Here is a short description of the project, as well as a summary of the background and final results. Then a link to a Medium article detailing the process.

Where's Wally?

human-robot interaction, ROS, C++

Again, description, then Medium link.

TurtleBot Wall Follower

robotics, ROS, PCL, C++

Same old, same old.

R(2+1)D Convolutions for Video Classification

caffe2, onnx, transfer learning, multi-gpu training, k8s

The unreasonable effectiveness of variational autoencoders...

Artistic Colorization of Black and White Images

machine learning, pytorch, sql

Whatchu think?


University of California, San Diego

Master of Science
Computer Science - Machine Learning Focus

GPA: 3.50

September 2017 - Present

University of California, San Diego

Bachelor of Science
Mechanical Engineering

GPA: 3.86

September 2013 - June 2016


Download my resume here. [Last updated: March 3rd, 2018]

Contact Me

Email: jewang [at]

LinkedIn: in/iamjeffreywang

GitHub: /jeffleft

Medium: @jeffleft